Tyra Banks Workout and Diet

Sculpted body of Tyra Banks indisputably can make any woman envy her. Tyra recommends her fans to abide by healthy and balanced foods. That being said, you don’t have to count the number of calories. All you need to do is make judicious choice of foods. There is one silver lining here; almost all healthy foods are low in calories, so you don’t have to fear about their calorie count.

For cultivating right eating acumen, you can begin by noting down all the food items consumed by you on a notepad and mark you accordingly. Doing so will alarm you when you will be about to consume unwholesome foods next time. You can also make you pay the toll for those unhealthy foods consumed, by practicing some surplus workouts to scorch unsolicited calories consumed. In addition to that, make a list of healthy substitutes, which you can have. For example, instead of having potato chips, you can opt to have oven-roasted popcorn. Being low in calories, without tarnishing your weight loss program, they will pacify your appetite.