The handsome hunk has been working out really hard for his 2016 release and the training program was split into four steps comprising preparation, bulking, leaning out, and maintenance. The bulking phase is the one that is the most important and we will share these exercises that help in building muscle, strength, and speed.
Henry Cavill in a still from “Immortals”
According to Blevins,
“Cardio helps build capacity and that will help in training harder and boost performance. Conditioning is a very important part of building muscle and without it, the body is equivalent to having an engine but no gas tank. Conditioning also helps in trimming fat.”
Exercises for the Bulking Phase
As the bulking exercises are strenuous and require a lot of energy, these are recommended to be performed only once in a week. Follow the proper sequence and you will get the desired body.
Hang Clean and Jerk
One of the most common Olympic weightlifting exercises, the hang clean and jerk works the shoulders. Other muscles that are also worked out include the abdominals, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, quadriceps, traps, and triceps. The number of sets that can be done depends on the capacity of every individual and it is best that one starts with small weights and keeps increasing these gradually.
Clean Pull
Another bulking exercise that Henry Cavill does is the clean pull that mainly works the quadriceps. Forearms, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and traps are the other muscles that are also worked through this exercise. It is recommended that you do at least four sets of this one for best results.