Vicky Pattison transformation from flab to fab.
Nothing in the world is beyond you; you just need to have resilient will to accomplish that. Something like that has been proved correct by the pretty actress, Vicky Pattison who transformed her body from size sixteen to size six. Kudos to the relentless brunette who didn’t stop until she acquired the most sexy and desirable size six figure. Vicky dishes out her diet and workout secrets which helped her acquire slender and curvy figure.
Positive Outlook
It’s not that the wave to makeover her body hit her abruptly while she was full of beans. No, it actually happened when she was going through one of the toughest periods of her life i.e. break-up with her boyfriend, Ricci. While being in relationship with him, she was hefty and was often ridiculed on twitter for her bulky figure. It was after her split with Ricci when she resolved to transform her life in a better way.
Instead of resorting to comfort foods and emotional eating to calm her mind, she rather decided to take the best revenge i.e. attaining captivating figure. And before late, the same Vicky who would receive humiliating comments from people began receiving wonderful compliments from her fans. If you too are feeling shattered because you have been through heart breaking break-up, instead of making you turn into a shabby and overweight girl, turn your attention towards making you hot and sexy. There can be no other revenge as rewarding to you as is sultry you.