Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet

Control is Vital

The lovely singer also believes in controlling her urges. She cites an example by saying that she has a weakness for ice creams, but if she has a single ice cream, she gets a thick fat layer the next day, so she doesn’t indulge at all.

Fasting is Good, But don’t Starve

The talented model has accepted the fact that she likes to fast sometimes. But, she is totally against starving herself to get great looks as she doesn’t find it reasonable.

Her Looks are Inherited

Some people have claimed that Amatue has had rib removing surgeries. She totally rubbishes it and admits to having breast surgery only. According to her, the secret behind her slim waist is her genes as her mother also has a slim waist.

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet Secrets

Some Tips for Fans

Be Yourself

Valeria has urged her fans to “not copy anyone.” She strongly believes that every person should be himself. Her advice is that it’s cool to be inspired by someone, but blindly copying someone is not logical at all.

Be at Peace

Lukyanova advises her fans to be content with what they have. She believes that people should not be judged for who they are. Valeria insists that everyone should have acceptance and tolerance of any human’s choice. It can be insinuated that she believes that we are all different and amazing in our own way.