Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet

The gorgeous model has admitted that workouts are as necessary for her as brushing her teeth or taking a shower. She considers weightlifting to be an essential part of her day and has made it a part of her lifestyle too.

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet Secrets

Workouts do “Work”

The stunning lady has admitted that seeing positive results of exercises gives her pleasure. She states that her body thanks her by getting increased in strength because she takes workouts seriously at all times which makes her a happy person.

Veggies are the Best

Lukyanova is a strong supporter of vegetarian food. She advises everyone to stick to vegetables and herbs as they are healthy. She likes vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower the best, and prefers eating these veggies in the form of salad. She has been eating raw foods since years and is a living proof of the fact that raw veggies are the best. The amazing looking lady suggests her fans to eat vegetables to get a long life and beautiful looks.

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Workout and Diet Secrets

Portion Control

The sexy model advises her fans to eat very small portions at a time. It’s clear that she believes that excess of anything could be bad for health.

Her Favorites

Apart from vegetables, Amatue also has strong liking for fruits such as grapefruit and apples. She also has a weakness for nuts, but exercises portion control there as nuts have high calories, which may ruin her attempts to stay fit.

Be a Vegetarian for the Environment

Valeria is a strong supporter of protecting the nature. She says that we all should love nature and should refrain from polluting it. She also wants people to stop eating animals and would love if all her fans turn to vegetarianism.