Diet Secrets
The former trainer of Rob Kardashian also shared the diet secrets of The Academy Award-nominated actress. He says, she prefers raw food diet (preferably clean foods) like carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and several other fresh vegetables. She also consumes some chicken, fish and foods like brown rice for getting ample amount of proteins and good carbohydrates.
Lose Weight by a Diet
Losing weight is not only a result of some hard sessions in the gym. T believes that one can lose weight by consuming a proper diet like the one consumed by Henson.
Taraji P. Henson at Billboard Music Awards in May 2015
Special Workout of Taraji P Henson
Mike also admitted that when the TV personality has to attend a special event, she does special exercises and eats the right foods to look fabulous for the event. The process begins by Mike viewing the outfit, she intends to wear and the body parts, the outfit would reveal. They focus on the revealed body parts in the gym and tone them up a bit. The winner of best actress in Bet Awards 2015 also does a healthy, last-minute intermittent fasting rotation to help burn additional calories by skipping a meal while continuing to work out as usual. Mike explains that intermittent fasting is a good idea because it stimulates the metabolism of a person and helps them to burn some body fat.
Workout Motivation
In a previous report published by Daily Mail, a source closer to the versatile actress stated that the workout motivation of the lovely lady is the tiny figure of her co-star Grace Gealey. Taraji is motivated for exercising and losing a few pounds because she is aiming for looking sexier than Grace. She even started wearing Spanx to conceal her ‘tummy pooch’ so that she can wear sexy clothes like Grace. Well, that’s a weird motivation, don’t you think?
What started the Fitness Journey?
If you are wondering about how the mother of a young boy thought of getting in such an enviable shape, then the answer is her show Empire. She started working with Mike just a few weeks before the show kicked off and since then, she has been working towards getting rid of her excess body fat and attaining gorgeous arms, legs and glutes.
The Natural Way
The renowned trainer earlier talked to W Magazine and divulged that the beauty wanted to improve her physique when she approached him. She is a big supporter of doing things the natural way and hence, never opted for going under the knife.