Many people fail to understand the importance of water in a weight loss program. When it comes to a weight loss program, drinking more water has several benefits. First of all, your body needs water to burn fat and convert it into calories. With lack of water, this chemical reaction can’t occur, leading to low energy levels and weight gain. Also, drinking more water will make you feel full and you won’t suffer the dreaded hunger pangs. Especially, drinking a glass of water before a meal can be a very smart and beneficial trick if you are looking to restrict your calorie intake. By drinking water before your meal, you are partly filling your stomach, which will make you feel full even before you have eaten full meal. In fact, this type of hunger suppression can result in around 25 percent reduction in your daily calorie intake.
Water also improves the quality of your workout. The water transports glycogen to your muscles to fuel them for the physical movement and takes waste and byproducts out of the muscles. So, if you don’t have necessary water content in your body during a workout, it will make you sluggish and would make it difficult to maintain quality intensity in your workout. In case, you don’t want to drink plain water all the time, you can flavor it with a very small amount of fruit.
Chew your food more
It has been believed from long time that eating slowly can lead to lower food consumption. The celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow have backed this tip. And, in recent times, the information revealed by the studies also back this habit. The study conducted by researchers from Texas Christian University explored the relationship between eating speed and calorie intake, and found that eating slowly does restrict your calorie intake. It was found that those who ate slowly and chewed more ate on an average 88 less calories than the faster eaters. The study also revealed one more startling fact. It was found that those who ate slowly felt fuller for much longer time than those who ate fast. Lastly, it was also found that those who chewed slowly drank more water, to be precise, about 12 oz as opposed to 9 oz.
Furthermore, it is traditionally believed that by chewing food properly will drastically improve the digestion and absorption of the food. And, the scientific reason behind the fact that eating fast leads to eating more is – there is a delay between when you swallow food and when that food triggers a response in your brain to reduce its sense of hunger. And, often, this delay leads to people eating more than necessary. And, if you are chewing slowly, you can minimize the time delay in the response.