- HARDCORE TRAINING: Scarlett also had to make sure that her body was flexible and strong enough to perform all the stunts herself, which meant she had to make extensive use of legs and upper body. For that she performed many reps of squats, lunges, chin-ups and split squats to strengthen her upper body and thighs. The strong and firm thighs made her look even better while performing the stunts.
A still from movie “Avengers”
- MMA: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is something that Scarlett shows off extensively in the Avengers. For this she practiced hand to hand combat and training with different weapons to get a good idea about her role. Scarlett said about this experience,” You get beat up a lot. It’s painful”. It’s great to do MMA yourself as it changes your perspective about self-defense and attack.
- MIX IT ALL UP: Scarlett was advised to do different exercises one after another to improve her flexibility and reflexes for the movie. Doing diverse exercises will let you know more about your body and help you develop a different perspective regarding working out.