- Rowing: The young badminton star also likes to put some time in rowing exercises. These forms of exercise are perfect for people who are just starting off with an exercise routine. It would help you to shed off excessive pounds, tone your muscles and improve overall physical and mental fitness level that too in very less time. These exercises are totally safe as they don’t put a lot of pressure on your back or joints. Try out some simple exercises described in this video and let us know whether it worked for you or not.
- Heel Raises: This Haryana born sports star is also very fond of heel raising exercise. It’s also known as calf raise exercise. This exercise is a must for you if you want to indulge in some heavy weight training, as it helps in relaxing the calf muscles thereby reducing the chances of an injury in this area. This exercise also helps you to make the calf muscles stronger and also tone them as per your expectations. You can try out this simple exercise by viewing this video:
- Lat Pull-downs: This is another simple exercise favored by this vital member of Hyderabad Hotshots in Indian Badminton League. This exercise improves the coordination between the muscles of your upper body and makes your arms, chest and back stronger. The best part about this exercise is that you can increase the weight of the lat pull down machine and make yourself work harder. A preview of this simple exercise is over here:
- Other Exercises: Apart from the above mentioned exercises, Nehwal also adds in some basic and simple exercises to her training routine like running and crunches. Running helps in keeping the legs stronger and crunches on the other hand, help in increasing the strength of her arms.