Rob Kardashian Workout and Diet

Rob Kardashian and 60 Days of Fitness Exercise

The reality star is trying hard to burn extra calories which he gained within couple of months after his split. Shattered Rob cut him off from the outside world and punished his body like this. Rob, who was 250 pounds in February, publicly declared his 60 days weight loss program and started working will full dedication and enthusiasm to melt extra pounds from his body.

Rob vowed to lose 40 pounds of his weight by 4th of July. While embracing a very strict workout and diet plan, Rob succeeded in losing 5 to 7 pounds within weeks by May and could be seen in slimmer body. However, being unable to reach his goal on the pre-fixed date, Rob could be seen relishing high calorie Hamburger on the beach on Independence Day.

Rob Kardashian Workout and Diet

Rob Kardashian in workout gear

Rob Kardashian Diet Plan

Rob included low-carb and nutritious foods in his diet and could often be seen posting the images of his low-carb diet on Twitter and Instagram. Rob keeps his 1.1 million followers updated about all his progress.

Couple of months back, he tweeted a post with title, another fat boy breakfast!! And in his tweet, he also uploaded an image of a plate having grapefruit and lean omelet. Rob has been getting full support from his fans for they keep motivating him.

His gorgeous sisters, Khloe and Kim too are helping Rob tremendously in moving closer to his so much hyped weight loss program. However, they are not really pleased with his slow pace. They are really working hard on designing the diet plan for him.

 Rob Kardashian Workout Regime

While sticking to an intense workout program, Rob practices workouts twice in a day. After having first round of training with his trainer, he invites his friends to accompany him. They boost him to be in high spirits for the second round of training. Rob is getting personal training from Lamar and shares that Lamar has been working for them on salary since he was just 19.

On weekends, Rob goes for hiking at Runyon Canyon in Los Angeles with a group of around twenty-five to thirty-five people. He practices cardio-workouts and lots of other exercises to bring his body back on the right track.

Holidays Halt Rob’s Weight Loss Program