Rihanna prefers to run on treadmill. She likes to do a lot of cardio to keep her weight down, which includes jumping jacks, stationary jogging, rope skipping, cycling and jumping jacks. She also likes to dance as a part of workout. All these cardio can be done backstage or in a room before shows, says Pasternak. (All these exercises are so simple, so you can try them at home….yeah..you can give it a try…).
She tweeted her pic recently, when she was on a holiday in Hawaii. Most people wear comfortable clothes while in a gym but Rihanna wore a tiny white bikini, working out on a cross trainer.
Rihanna’s tweet on 19 Jan, 2012
On being asked, what she likes most and least about her body, she replied
I like my bum, the most and I keep working at it as I want it to be perfect. It makes my clothes look good – and guys like it!
I like my legs, the least. I’m insecure about them. Everyone wants to have slim, perfectly-toned legs and I’m the same. I don’t want my legs to bulk up so I do a lot of cardio.
Her weight is 133 pounds, which is absolutely right according to her height 5 ft 8 in. According to her, body size (hers is between 2 and 4) does not matter at all. What matters is to remain healthy and fit.
Rihanna does 1 day activity and 1 day rest.
- Abs – It includes Walking Lunges – 15 lunges on each leg; Jumping Jacks – 60 fast.