Rachel Frederickson Before and After weight loss pics.
Biggest Loser Season 15 winner, Rachel Frederickson astonished us with her dramatic makeover when after shedding massive pounds, she appeared in skinny body in the finale of the reality show, Biggest Loser in 2014. Rachel who was a popular swimmer athlete grew into an overweight woman when her boyfriend whom she had made her top priority broke up with her. Thanks to emotional eating that she packed up tremendous pounds. However, 5 ft 4 inch Rachel didn’t wish to come out of the show as a bulky winner. She resolved to drop unsolicited pounds and turn into trimmed and slender girl. And with her iron will, she melt away 155 pounds and turned out to be first ever underweight (Her BMI is approx 18, which is the indication of underweight) contestant of the show. Her transformation from 260 pounds to 105 pounds is really incredible and difficult to digest (Though she later gained 20 pounds and reached 125 pounds). Here are some of the diet and workout secrets of Rachel Frederickson which are accountable for her complete makeover.
Rachel Frederickson amazing weight loss journey