Diet Secrets
Daily Mail reported that Pam was never a big meat eater. And her diet secret is following a strict vegan diet which she cooks herself. She shared that her dad hunted; got them venison (deer’s meat) and moose meat but she never liked it. She also requested her dad to stop hunting after she saw a dead deer hanging upside down in the pump house. The deer had no head and his blood was dripping into a bucket. She also gave up meat and dairy completely after she started working with PETA. She realized the impact of meat eating and dairy eating has on environment as well as the baby animals.
Benefits of being a Vegan
After the stunner adopted a strict vegan diet, she became a new person. Everything from her digestion to her skin as well as her hair improved. She thinks that it happened because all the stuff (meat and dairy products) don’t belong to a human body.
Pamela Anderson posing n*de for Flaunt Magazine
Eating Simple Vegan Dishes
If the report published by Hello Magazine is to be believed, the former showgirl prefers making simple vegan dishes like a White or Red Bean Salad that has only five main ingredients and four ingredients for dressing. The specialty of this salad is that it can be served as a classic summer BBQ. Some other recipes that Pam loves include Quinoa Ginger / Fennel Salad, Lentil Bean Stew and Roasted Veggies.
No Botox
Pamela has also admitted that she went for botox surgery and didn’t like it much. People reported that she felt her eyes sunk into her head and she did not look like herself. As a result, she will never opt for botox again.
Pamela Anderson in bikini