Nusrat Jahan Fitness Secrets

Tell us about your training schedule.

I am the laziest person on earth. I come up with all sorts of excuses to not work out, as I am blessed with good metabolism. I prefer to exercise outdoors than in a gym. I have several gym memberships for which I paid a huge amount but didn’t continue beyond three days.

Do you prefer Yoga?

My fave exercise is running, which I do without fail. I prefer cardio and yoga to weight training. Generally , I go to the Rabindra Sarobar Lake early in the morning for freehand exercises.

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Tell us about your diet.

I am a foodie but I never overeat. I start my day with a mug of green tea. My breakfast varies from day to day .I have loads of berries, which are rich in antioxidants.Whenever I am hungry , I have a seasonal fruit. My lunch comprises a small bowl of rice, fish, veg curry and yogurt. Everything is cooked in olive oil. I have light munch-ons in the evening and my dinner comprises soup and boiled chicken. I love desserts, so I have low-carb meals.