Nicole Snooki Polizzi Diet Plan and Workout Routine

First Step – Hold dumbbell in both your hands. Now, lift your right leg and with bent knee, take your right leg in the backward direction.

Second Step – While leaning your upper body in forward direction, lift your right leg in the air. Raise your right leg unless it becomes parallel to the ground. Put the entire pressure on your hips. Return to the resting position. The workout shall strengthen your core muscles. Make twenty to twenty-five reps of the exercise on each leg.


Step Ups

Nicole Snooki Polizzi Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Keep your back and shoulder straight and stand in front of a chair or bench with dumbbells in your hands. Step up your right foot on the chair. Put pressure on your right leg and take your body in upward direction unless your weight gets stabilized on right leg. After staying in the position for five seconds, bring down your left leg. Make sure that your body doesn’t lean in forward or backward direction while performing the exercise. Make fifteen to twenty reps of the workout on each leg. The exercise shall tone your back muscles, hamstrings, glutes, and render you lean legs and taut butt.