4 ft 8 in, reality TV star, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi turned millions of curious eyes towards her when she shed massive fifty pounds within eleven months. Past the birth of her first child, son Lorenzo in August 2012, she bulked up forty pounds. Since Snooki didn’t wish to be an overweight and unhealthy mother, she embarked on the mission to drop weight. Overwhelmed with her makeover, Snooki dishes out the secrets of her diet and workout routine which assisted her acquire sculpted shape.
Snooki at the gym with her trainer.
Goodbye to Booze and High Calorie Drinks
After making her mind to drop weight, first thing Snooki did was – she weeded out alcohol from her diet, which has nothing but empty calories. Aside from the wicked drink, she also cut back the consumption of sugary, diet, and fizzy drinks which pack up numerous calories in your body. Eradication of these beverages surely stripped off bountiful pounds from her body. The gala girl feels that not only has her makeover boosted her energy, it has also made her become a better person. If you aspire to shed weight, you shall steer clear from vices. When the party girl who was so much in love with alcoholic drinks can say goodbye to the drink forever, why can’t you and me remove it from our lives.