NeNe Leakes showing her workout move
It’s Working
The TV personality has acknowledged that the cleanse diet is really working for her. She said that she has already lost a few pounds.
Nerves are a Part of the Package
The celebrity has also admitted that the cleansing process is making her a bit nervous as she has to give up alcohol for a 30 day period and is not even allowed to have a sip of any alcoholic drink.
Compensating by Tricks
NeNe is compensating the lack of alcohol by eating her favorite dishes at restaurants. She also uses tricks like drinking clear water or even a Red Bull in a wine glass to have an illusion that she is drinking wine.
NeNe Leakes with a drink
Diet Restrictions
Though Leakes is indulging in her favorite dishes to fill up the hole left by craving and not having alcohol, she is not reckless with her diet. The fashion designer is staying away from all types of breads to stay healthy.
Diet Routine
The talented TV actress is also taking caution in eating healthy meals. By her own admission, she is relying heavily on meats and vegetables as they help her to stay fit and active.