Miles Teller shoulder workout
Avoiding Embarrassment
The star also wanted to look like the boxer he is playing in the film and didn’t want to embarrass himself by not being in a good shape. He wanted to avoid such a scenario by putting in some hard core physical work.
Workout Obsession
Miles became so much obsessed with getting ripped for his role that even when he had two hours free, he worked out.
The Results
The results of the efforts have been substantial. When he began the fitness journey, he weighed around 188 pounds and had around 18 percent body fat. After the transition was complete, he weighed only 168 pounds and the body fat reduced to only 6 percent.
Miles Teller working out in the gym
Be Patient
The dashing man has a bit of advice for people who want to change their bodies or be fit. He thinks that that every person who wants to change his or her body needs to be patient. It takes a lot of time to change one’s body. He also added that some of his fitness myths were busted during the fitness transformation. Earlier, he used to think that only doing some crunches was enough for getting ripped abs. But this didn’t happen with him as he had to do multiple exercises to get in good shape.