Michelle Lewin showing her abs and arms.
Michelle states that it motivates her when she witnesses her beautifully toned body in the mirror. Her own image gives her the sense of satisfaction and makes her believe that it’s worth spending grueling workout hours in the gym. In addition to that, her fans who keep looking up to her as their role model encourage her.
Preparation for Contests
When preparing for upcoming contests wherein she is supposed to display her svelte figure, she goes crazy about workouts and exercises like insane. Cardio workouts such as stair climbing, spinning classes, rollerblading etc. are her favorite workouts. She also adores sprints for they torch massive number of calories without the loss of muscles. For the most recent contest, Europa Dallas 2014, Michelle submitted herself to circuit training comprised of jump squats, lunge jumps, rope skipping, quadruped hip extension etc. To ensure better results, she completes circuit with no rest in between the exercises. She also becomes more prudent towards her diet and trims down the consumption of carbs. And two weeks prior to competition, she totally forbids the intake of carbs except for oats in the morning.
Several Small Meals
The stunner consumes five to six small meals in a day in which she eats nutrient laden foods. She states that she feels hungry very often and frequent meals keep her energized. Without being insensitive to her body, she makes sure that calories consumed by her in a day are less than the calories burnt. Healthy foods such as oats, pancakes made up of stevia, unsweetened almond milk, egg whites, protein powder etc. are her most beloved food items. Here is one of the samples of diet plan followed by Michelle Lewin.
Breakfast – Oatmeal with almonds, strawberries, egg white omelet with spinach etc.
Snacks – Pork chops with salad, ham with Swedish crackers etc.
Lunch – Steamed broccoli with olive oil, baked sweet potato, grilled chicken breast, etc.
Dinner – Brown rice with steamed asparagus, grilled salmon etc.