Michelle Heaton and trainer husband Hugh Hanley.
Although Michelle swears by healthy eating habits, but she has also been through the time when she was highly disgruntled with her figure. She tried all kinds of fad diet plans prevalent to render desired shape to her body. Besides that, she also consumed diet pills such as ephedrine in her teen days. The impact of such pills on her was so appalling that she ended up suffering from heart rhythm disorder namely arrhythmia. Since the disease makes the heart beat of patient irregular, she had to encounter jeopardizing condition of her heart in pregnancy. Her heart got so fragile that doctors declared, she won’t be able to give birth to her child naturally, so she had to go through C-section surgery. However, Michelle took the incident as a wake-up call and switched to high protein and low carb diet to nourish her. Now, she obviously stays prudent about feeding frequent wholesome meals to herself. In addition to all that, the credit for her fit and bikini figure also goes to her trainer husband, Hugh Hanley, who had her stay tuned with wholesome meal plans.
Michelle Heaton and Hugh Hanley eating at an eatery.
Let’s have a look at one of the samples of typical day diet regime of Michelle Heaton.
Breakfast – Two eggs, three rice cakes, whey protein bar etc.
Snacks – Protein bar, almonds, protein shake etc.
Lunch – Chicken, tuna salad, a piece of fruit etc.
Dinner – Broccoli, poached salmon etc.
To bring variety in her diet regime, she eats high-carb and low-protein foods once in a week. Apart from revving up her metabolism, doing so also relieves her from her cravings.
Workouts with Empty Stomach
Michelle Heaton working out.
Michelle who is a self proclaimed fitness enthusiast is totally in love with workouts. Even after being a mom of two kids now, she doesn’t let her over busy schedule hinder her way to workouts. She executes workouts when her kids are asleep. The brunette performs workouts five times in a week while devoting forty minutes in a day on them. Workouts with empty stomach tone her stomach and aid her strip off unwanted pounds. She begins her exercises with running on treadmill which is followed by strength training targeted to tone major muscles in her body.