Marilyn Monroe doing Jathara Parivartanasana Supine Twist
Marilyn Monroe is one of the few actresses who made a mark as a sex symbol decades ago and is still talked about. People loved her smile, enjoyed her screen presence and envied her body. But did you know that her figure was not maintained easily? Are you aware of the fact that she used to work very hard to maintain her figure and those desirable curves? What more did she do to maintain that delectable body? Here’s the answer.
Her Thoughts on Her Body
Monroe gave an interview to the Pageant Magazine in September 1952 which was dug up by Yahoo. In the interview, Monroe has stated that she never thought that she has an amazing body until she got loads of compliments for it. As far as her pre-fame life was concerned, she used to worry about getting enough food to eat. But after she rose to fame, she started worrying about eating too much food and ruining her figure.