Mariah Carey Workout and Diet

Mariah Carey loves to do workouts in water. Her personal trainer, Patricia says that it is good to do the workouts which you like. This way, you do more exercises. The advantage of exercising in water is that aquatic workouts help you to make your muscles stronger. But the muscles do not grow bigger. The body gets strong and preserves its natural shape.

Chest Workout

The breaststroke should be performed in the more deep area of the pool. When your arms push through water, both the shoulders and chest muscles get worked and are strengthened. Perform lap swimming and increase number of laps with increasing strength. When in the shallow area of the pool, hold your arms to their sides. Raise the hand to shoulder height and then lower it back to its start position. Water’s resistance exercises the muscles of arms and chest. Perform a set of 10 reps.

Grip swimming pool’s sides and raise yourself up like you want to get out of the pool. Perform a set of 10. The exercise works the arms and chest muscles.

Hold your arms at shoulder height so that they make an L on each side. The elbows should be bent upwards. Now bring each arm inwards, towards the body, at the starting position. The elbows should be bent. This exercise works out your chest muscles. Perform a set of 10 reps.

Leg Workout

Stand straight so that the back is flat, against the wall. You will require a pool noodle in this case. A U-shape should be formed when you hold the ends of noodle. Push the noodle beneath the water. Step your right foot in the middle of the U. Let it go. Lift the right knee upwards. Now make your right leg straight and press outwards by using the heel. Bend the knee once again. Replace your foot on the floor of the pool. Mariah performs 4 to 5 sets with 10 to 15 reps of this exercise.

Abdominal Workout

Hold on empty water jugs. Stretch your arms towards their sides but do not move them, when you exercise. Lie on the back and extend both legs straight out, towards the front. Now tighten your core and pull your knees towards your chest. Then roll over, extend your legs and pull your knees towards your chest. Roll back and forth a few times. Your prime focus should be, not to use your arms and pull the knees towards the chest by contracting the abdominal muscles. Mariah performs 3 sets with 25 reps of this workout.

Apart from these exercises, Mariah also stretches and works with weights. She performs ball exercises for her butt and thighs.

Mariah Carey Diet Plan

Mariah Carey consumes 1500 calories each day. She liked to eat bread and pasta but that has changed now. Her meal plan consists of high protein food, fruits and vegetables. She eats food items that are low in carbs. Her daily diet plan is given below.