Madonna Workout Routine, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Ashtanga yoga is her all-time favorite yoga which she prefers over all other workouts. She experienced great changes taking place in her body while sticking to Ashtanga yoga. Besides that, she also abides by Stairmaster-climbing for minimum forty-five minutes in a day.

When it comes to fitness, the singer leaves no stone unturned. She also uses power plate at times. Vibration produced by it tones her muscles and enhances her muscle mass. Sensational singer is so self-sufficient and proficient in workouts that she doesn’t even seem to require gym to work out.

Madonna Workout Routine, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Madonna Diet Plan

Diet regime followed by Madonna is extremely restrictive and strict. She refrains from fizzy drinks, processed and manufactured foods, refined sugar, and all other unhealthy stuff. Her strict diet regime is not restricted to herself; her children too have to abide by the diet chart prepared by mommy.

Madonna has been following macrobiotic diet since 1990. Macrobiotic diet is based on Japanese eating style. Her specially hired Japanese chef follows Madonna wherever she goes and prepares meals for her.

Despite being so insensitive towards her cravings, Madonna cribs about not being as disciplined and specific about diet as her Japanese chef is. Madonna has conquered her appetite and cravings so well that it seems she has got divine power to do that.

She doesn’t relish processed foods even on special occasions such as birthday parties, Christmas Eve and New Year. Restaurant and hotel foods are out of her wish list. Even when she happens to visit there, she just goes for plain water.

What is Macrobiotic Diet?

Macrobiotic diet being mainly vegan diet plan relies heavily on whole grains, fruits, vegetables etc. Mostly animal foods are banished in macrobiotic diet. Macrobiotic diet doesn’t point up consumption of several small meals in a day. You are allowed to have just two meals in a day and let your body metabolism get strengthened in the meanwhile. Dairy, egg, poultry, wheat, and manufactured foods are not permitted in the program.

The diet schedule has proven results of reducing breast and other estrogen based cancers in women. You can also inculcate macrobiotic diet schedule in your diet regime by following Madonna daily diet regime, which is as follows.

Breakfast – Madonna likes to have steamed brown rice, whole wheat berries, rolled oats, millet etc. in her breakfast.

Dinner – Madonna prefers having quinoa, buckwheat, soy, green beans, grilled fish etc. in her dinner.