Apart from crediting luck, she also states that she has been looking after herself in the last few years.
Workout Routine
The workout routine of the star includes doing Zumba class in a church hall. She is so addicted to the class that even getting sweaty and horrible (after a class) doesn’t make her feel uncomfortable. She does two classes a week of Zumba and often does some Pilates to stay in shape.
Her Love for Zumba
Lorraine Kelly in a Zumba class with instructor, Maxine Jones
The TV personality has also stated that she was never unfit, but she was not too fit either. Zumba helped her to be more fit and she has become more confident of her body. She considers Zumba to be fun and she praises her Zumba instructor, Maxine Jones too. Maxine has changed her life because she looks better now and has a lot of energy which makes her look and feel younger. She also loves being size 10.
Staying Fit for Helping Others
Lorraine Kelly taking part in the Virgin Money 30th London Marathon
The attractive lady has participated in a Moonwalk in London and Edinburgh. She also ran marathons in London and New York for raising thousands of pounds for breast cancer research. But, she says that most of it was done due to her determination to help others rather than an attempt to get healthier.
No Weights Please
Lorraine does not like to weigh herself. She just estimates it by the fitting of her clothes.