Lindsay Lohan Workout and Diet

  • Breakfast – 2/3 egg whites and a banana and vegetables.
  • Lunch – It includes three slices of turkey and a chicken or ham with tomatoes and lettuce.
  • Snacks – It includes one apple or two- three boiled eggs.
  • Dinner – Salmon fillet cooked with some olive oil and a cup of vegetables.
  • Dessert – A frozen fruit bar.

Having the same diet for a long time can lead to complications. Hence if you too lost weight drastically only then prefer this diet plan but only under the consultation of any dietitian.

Lindsay Lohan Liquid Diet Secret

She has survived on cantaloupes, fruit juice and diet coke just to lose weight which made her looks so thin like a hanger.

Liquid fasting diet – It is an all liquid diet or very low calorie diet. It should only be undertaken by considering your health status or required weight loss. An individual is able to lose excess body weight, remains hydrated and the diet plan has all the body nutrients required for daily chores.

Characteristics of liquid fasting diet –

  • The important point to be noted is that it should be undertaken in such a way that proper amount of nutrients should be consumed at proper meal times.
  • It should only be taken under medical supervision.
  • Few points:
  1. Duration should be 4-40 day?
  2. Amount of weight needs to be lost?
  3. Any health condition that the individual is suffering from.

Good points of liquid fasting diet –

  • Flushing out of toxins from the system.
  • Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants boost the immune system.
  • It is a good energy source.
  • Weight loss by fat discharging.
  • It is an active fuel of energy source.