The Lean Gains exercises consists of –
- Deadlifts
The deadlift is one of the best exercises for bodybuilding and it targets the maximum body parts including lower back, forearms, quads, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles.
- Squats / Leg Press
When targeting the hips and legs, the best way to stay in shape is by doing squats and leg press. In fact, squat is the best exercise to build leg muscles.
- Bench Press / Dumbbell Press
For building the chest muscles and for shaping the arms, the bench press / dumbbell press is the best exercise.
- Shoulder Press / Military Press
The shoulder press / military press is a compound exercise that helps in targeting the deltoid muscles in the shoulders and also builds the triceps.
- Chin ups
An effective strength training exercise, chin-ups are done for the upper body conditioning that target the biceps, lats, middle back and forearms.
- Rows
For building the middle back, there is no alternative to the rows strength training exercise. It also works lats, shoulders and biceps.
Rest Days Diet
During the lean gains program, there would be two or three days in a week when you won’t be exercising. For such days, it is essential to consume only two high protein and vegetable meals. Olive oil or coconut oil can be used to cook the meals as these contain carbohydrates and the same is also there in vegetables. Try and avoid carbohydrates that are rich in starch on the rest days.
Is Lean Gains For All?
The answer is no. It is not for everyone. Those who are skinny or ectomorphs should stay away from this program as intermittent fasting is definitely not for them. It is only for those who are already bulky or have excessive fat in the body as dieting will not harm them. The best thing is to consult a trainer so that you can get it right.
The main point of lean gains or any other weight loss program is to make exercising a stress-free experience.