Steadiness in Diet And Workouts
Most of us believe that our aim is fulfilled once we acquire our desired body. However, the truth is – we cannot expect to retain the gratifying results just by being satisfied and reverting to old slothful routine. Lazar consistently devotes his time and attention to keep up his physique in kick-ass shape. He shares, when he diverts from healthy lifestyle and switches to lethargic lifestyle, it doesn’t take him long to go out of shape. Retaining chiseled figure is a constant and never ending process. So, if you are seeking after perennial results, abide by regular workouts and wholesome diet schedule.
Supplements – For Optimum Health
Apart from being fitness expert, Lazar is also a nutrition expert, who consumes supplements based on his body type.
Glutamine – From long time, he has been swearing by supplement namely Glutamine. Since high intensity strength training and cardio workouts depletes the level of glutamine, and thus causes debilitated immune system, it’s critical for bodybuilders to supplement with glutamine.
Creatine – He steers clear from creatine because his stomach being sensitive is not compatible with any form of this supplement. Prior to consuming any supplement, you shall consult with your dietitian about the suitability of the same. Not doing so can jeopardize your body and health.
Protein Powder – Consumption of protein powder is imperative after grueling workouts because it renders such amino acids to your body which are not naturally produced in your body. Among all the proteins, whey protein is most prominently used form of protein. It can be consumed after exercises or along-with meals. The protein being dense in essential amino acids peps up muscle growth and repair process in your body. Lazar eats whey protein in his snacks to support his body in muscle building process.
Workouts with Music
The former professional basketball player being avid fan of music seldom performs his workouts without playing his adored music. He mostly works out on the new tracks of Rick Ross, old classics by Tupac, and Slim Thug. Music diverts his attention from the chaos of life and focuses it on music and workouts. Since music has wonderful capacity to relax your mind, you too can nurture the habit of working out on rock music and see spectacular changes in your body and mood.
Vigorous Workouts
Lazar Angelov doing Biceps Curl
The stud practices vigorous workouts to rip his body. He lifts heavy weights to magnify muscle mass in his body. He keeps altering his workouts to render proper workout to specific muscle group. To meet the same objective, he allocates diverse days of the week to different parts of his body. Lazar reckons, since there are no quick fixes to hale and excellent physique, you need to give your hundred percent to relish rewarding results.