Being Vain
The diva also accepted that she is a vain person who would never be willing to go gray, be without make up, act her age or wear sensible shoes. But, she never thought she would be hiring someone to help her in the gym and she has been doing that lately for her health. It clearly shows that she is keeping her health above all which is an appreciable thing in our opinion.
Showing off the Results
Kerri-Anne Kennerley in bikini for Woman’s Day photoshoot in September 2015
The TV celebrity showed off the final results of her new health routine on the cover page of Woman’s Day Health Magazine in September 2015 in which she wore a two piece and restrained everyone from using Photoshop or filters on her pictures.
The photo shoot for the magazine was done by her because she gained new-found confidence from her incredible figure and her husband of 30 years, John Kennerley convinced her. He said that if you have worked hard to get that body, you should not hesitate to show off the results. Well, that’s some cool advice John.
Kerri-Anne Kennerley’s husband John
Diet Plan
The new diet plan of one of Australia’s most seasoned light entertainment hosts is high in proteins that helps her to feel full for long period of time and also assists her to improve her muscle tone.
Five Commandments
Australia’s “Daytime TV Queen” also shared some commandments she follows with regard to her health that are certainly easy to follow and highly beneficial. Here they are:
- You should always dress with regard to your body type.
- You should distract your mind off food by focusing on other things like a sport you like or an activity you love such as dancing.
- You should always consume the exact amount of calories your body needs everyday because if you eat more calories than your body needs, you will have to shed them off by hitting the gym.
- You should always opt for healthy foods rather than the tasty ones. Make eating healthy a habit and you will be less tempted to eat unhealthy food as the time passes.
- You should always pick the healthiest food item if you have to eat outside.