Snacks – Being in love with nuts, she includes plenty of nuts such as pistachios, almonds, dried cranberries, raisins etc. in her snacks.
Dinner – Grilled chicken, turkey burger with lettuce and other green veggies
Reserve Some Time for Yourself
Motherhood indeed is the most precious gift given to women by God. And most new mothers centers their entire world to the little bundle of joy. Kendra too did the same mistake past the birth of her son in 2009. In addition to that, since media cameras always have their eyes fixed on famed celebs, they cannot afford to be overweight for long. Resultantly, she grew victim of depression. Women’s life undeniably doesn’t remain the same after becoming mothers, but they shall save some time for them also. Being fit is not only your requirement, it’s the requirement of your baby too because unless you are hale you cannot take good care of your baby.
Workouts with Right Perspective
Kendra being self-motivated executes workouts first thing in the morning. She actually relishes the exercises and feels immensely invigorated after having sweaty and grueling sessions of workouts. Research too supports the fact that self-inspired people are likely to reap better benefits from exercises. To witness the influence of workouts, a test was done on two groups of people. While people in group one were motivated to do walking, considering it superb fun and adventurous activity, group two was told that walking is an excellent exercise which will melt away copious pounds from your body.
At the end of walking session, people of group one looked blissful, rejuvenated, and healthy. Contrarily, group two people looked exhausted and not very happy. Moreover, the people of group two who did walking while having the burden of exercise over their mind consumed calories double to that of group one. Despite doing the same activity, variation in results was due to divergence in their perspectives. So, if you are not inspired enough to execute workouts, don’t do them because in that case you are unlikely to obtain their rewarding outcomes.
Multiplicity in Workouts
Kendra Wilkinson boxing workout with trainer.
The sporty babe executes workouts four times in a week under the guidance of famous celeb trainer, Nicky Holender. She engages her in varied exhilarating sports such as tennis, basketball, boxing, hiking, soccer, snowboarding, dancing etc. And among gym workouts, she practices circuit training, cardio, and strength training. Her exercises with stability ball, kettlebell, and Swiss ball renders definition to her legs, arms, and abs. She mostly devotes forty minutes to strength training.
Like Kendra, you too can make strength training an integral part of your workouts. Purchase some basic inexpensive equipment such as dumbbells, stability ball, bosu ball etc. These equipments will assist you in getting full body workout and thus without hitting gym, you shall be able to acquire statuesque figure.