Justin Bieber Workout and Diet

Sample 6 pack workout

To get 6 pack, it is necessary that you do cardio to shed some extra fat, if there is any. Cardio or cardiovascular exercises include cycling, running, jogging, rowing etc. Because, to make these abs visible, the first step is too remove that extra bit off your body. Do eat regular diets to maintain your metabolism rate. Eating small meals like protein shake is suggested for this. Resistance training and weight training are necessary to develop muscles.

The more and more muscles you involve, the more you will be on your way to get those 6 pack abs. You can try some of these exercises to fasten up this process of 6 pack abs –

  • Burpees – You can try different variants of burpees to get ripped. First of all, stand straight and then touch your hands on the ground by coming into a squat position. Then, make your foot to extend backwards (you know like plank position). Now, return back to the squat position and finally, to the standing straight position.
  • Walking Lunges – Try these at the end of the workout session to take maximum advantage of it.
  • Squats – Do this to involve much more muscle groups.
  • Dumbbell Swings – Good for legs and back.
  • Crunches – It works the rectus abdominis muscle. You should be a bit careful while doing this exercise as it may cause head injury when you lift the head up with your hands crossed behind the neck or head.
  • Situps – It is much like the same as crunches.
  • Leg-lifts – These are great for abdominals. You can do this by lying on the floor on your back. Then, raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the body and shins are parallel to it. Please note that you need to keep your toes pointed throughout this exercise. Now, slowly raise your legs and make them straight so that your whole legs are perpendicular to the body and pointing towards the ceiling. Now, lower the straight legs and hold them when they are only 1 inch off the floor. Now gradually raise the legs back to the ceiling. Do these many times.