The former trainer of Serena Williams also said that the weight loss will help the talented actor to get better film roles as he can now do justice to athletic parts too.
Diet Plan
The weight loss journey also started off when the actor realized that drinking alcohol is doing no good to his weight loss issues. He stopped drinking alcohol and modified his diet too. He has been staying away from sugar and sugar based products lately. He is also strictly following a Mediterranean-style eating plan. For those of you who don’t know what it is, Mediterranean style eating involves eating more healthy stuff like vegetables, fruits, olive oil, fish and nuts. To know more about this diet, do check out this amazing article by
The Result
The Treme (2010-2013) actor has got tremendous results due to the sweat, he has been putting in and the diet control he has been practicing as he has successfully lost more than 100 lbs. Well, that’s commendable, we must say.
John Goodman at BFI London Film Festival in October 2015
No Going Back
Mackie Shilstone praised Goodman’s efforts and says that he will stay fit for long this time as the versatile actor knows how he felt when he weighed 400 lbs in 2011 and it’s not something, he will want to experience again in life. He concluded the matter by saying that Goodman’s success lies in the way he changed his life in the last two years.
We would just like to add here that we hope Goodman to stay firm on exercising and following the right diet as we really like his new look. We would also like to say that if a seasoned actor can achieve the weight loss results he wants, why can’t you?