Jillian Michaels Workout and Diet

Diet: The next equation is the diet and involves a complete calorie control. Apart from calorie control the other factor is the body shape which defines what type of food one should have.

Behavioral modification: The only factor here is the will power. The food intake, techniques for exercising and habits are some of the points which helps those who are little shorter in will power. All the techniques are different from person to person as per their emotional state and their relationship with the food.

Jillian Michaels Workout and Diet


  • Your body also gets bored of the same exercise routine. Keep changing it after some time to achieve better results.
  • Eat something before exercising as during your workout you need energy to burn fat.
  • Exercise plays a major factor in boosting up your self esteem and mood.
  • Don’t hold on while on a treadmill a sit decreases the calorie burn up to 25%.
  • Always consult your physician first before starting and make it to different levels i.e. first the beginner then intermediate and so on. It’s very important that your body gets used to all of it first.