Jessica Biel Workout and Diet

Jessica Biel or sometimes nicknamed as Jesse has insane workout routine. When it comes to workout, she knows how to stay fit. She practiced martial arts for her film Total Recall. But, it is not a part of her regular workout routine. She likes to work on her butt and undergoes a series of exercises to stay fit and avoid boredom. Continue reading for her usual workout schedule.

Jessica Biel Workout Routine

Jessica Biel Workout and Diet

She takes the help of personal trainer Jason Walsh. She is mostly on the run fir filming various movies and TV shows. Hence, she does mostly the exercises which does not require any equipment so that she can perform it, irrespective of her location. She loves going outdoors and do a variety of exercises. She says that her parents were an amazing couple, from whom she took these habits. She describes them as “Hippies” who used to do rafting through Grand Canyon. Her exercises list is as follows –

  • Running – Running is a great cardio vascular exercise which builds your overall body muscles. It works on your ankles (when you lift your foot up), increases hip stability, improves thigh and shoulder muscles, spinal stability. So, no matter where Biel is she can indulge into running or a quick jog and improve her endurance.