Isabelle Cornish Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Egg – Eggs which are opulent source of proteins, essential amino acids, and healthy fats shall be consumed in breakfast. Low calorie food item has incredible property to keep you contented for longer. The amount of eggs to be consumed in a day depends upon your daily schedule.

Watermelon – Watermelon is yet another snack, which is rich in fourth macro-nutrient i.e. water. Apart from hydrating your body, the fruit also keeps check on your appetite and saves you from consuming unwholesome snacks.

Berries – Despite being petite in size, berries are dense in fiber. Since fiber entangles food particles and thrusts them out from your body before they are completely digested, consumption of fiber-laden foods aid your body to purge surplus calories. You can really boost the weight loss process, if you consume one cup of raspberries, blueberries, boysenberries, strawberries etc. in a day.

Greek yogurt – Greek yogurt being more nutritious and healthy than any other yogurt is awesome source of protein. Moreover, since yogurt peps up the growth of probiotic which is a good bacteria, it saves you from bloating by sweeping sinister bacteria out from your body. The physiological changes save you from bloating and render you taut stomach. Aside from eating yogurt with berries and fruits, you can also make smoothies with it. Its creamy texture in smoothie imparts it milkshake like appearance and a taste which is very tempting.