Huma Qureshi Diet
Huma Qureshi eating berry.
As far as the diet routine of this stunning actress is concerned, this bollywood beauty offers the following suggestions:
- Eat several small and well-balanced meals every day rather than stuffing your face with food only 3 times a day.
- Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day as it would help you digest your food and shed off toxins from your body in the simplest manner.
- Eat healthy breakfast that should include fruits like apple or papaya and follow it with traditional healthy dishes. Her favorite breakfast options are Ragi Dosa, Plain Dosa, Upma and Poha.
- Huma urges her fans not to eat anything out of a packet, box or bottle as it would contain a lot of preservatives, which are bound to harm a person’s body and health in the long run. So say no to frozen foods and switch to freshly cooked meals today.
- Food options that contain organic and whole ingredients are the priority of this strikingly hot looking diva. You can also map the health value of all the foods you eat by reading the nutritional information on every food item you purchase.
- This astonishingly beautiful actress also likes to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables as it helps her to maintain the overall health.
- Coconut water, Nimbu paani and vegetable juices are her favorite drinks as they give her instant energy and do not harm her body in any way.
- She also recommends to reduce the consumption of packed fruit juices, tea, coffee and suggests people to replace it with healthier options like green tea.
- Junk foods should be a big no for people, who care about their body and fitness as per Huma’s opinion.
- Though Huma indulges in sweets from time to time but she works harder in the gym to compensate for it. You should do that too. Otherwise your sweet tooth may ruin all the results of the steps that were taken by you with regard to keeping yourself fit and active.
- Last but certainly not the least, this talented actress suggests everybody to stay far away from fried and oily dishes as they are bound to make you unhealthy.
The gorgeous Huma also suggests that we all should respect our bodies. There’s no point in craving for a different body shape and wishing for it. Rather we should appreciate what body god has given us and should try to make it healthier and fitter by focusing our food and workout habits.