Former Disney star, Hilary Duff is in incredibly curvy shape. After been through an array of oscillations in weight, the brown eyed star has acquired stable weight with blissful body. Hilary is one of the celebs who feel bullied by industry pressure to shed weight. In her teenage years, media buzz about her, for being overweight caught up her so badly that she developed despise for food and became victim of eating disorder, bulimia. In 2005, she was in uproar for being skinny i.e. 110 pounds and she was rumored to be abiding by strict vegan diet and drugs to strip off pounds. Past welcoming her first child, son Luca in 2012, the sultry star is once again in top shape. It took her one year in resuming her pre-baby sculpted shape. Here are some of the diet and exercise secrets of Hilary Duff.
Moderation in Eating Habits
Hilary Duff eating potato chips.
By the time Hilary became mother, she had learnt numerous precious lessons. She comprehended the fact that no matter what you do, you cannot please the world because people will seldom stop cribbing about you. So don’t bother about what other people say or think about you. Feel confident with the way you naturally are. Appreciate your strengths and try to cover up your weaknesses too with your strong points.
Hilary kept jumping from one crash diet to another in her younger days, but she finally has gotten the value of moderation in diet. She admits that her sloppy eating of unhealthy foods such as French fries, chicken fingers, pizza, pasta etc. piled up bountiful unsolicited pounds during pregnancy. Since celebs are always under the scrutiny of media cameras, pressure to melt away post baby weight on them is several times more than common mothers. She abided by moderation in diet and made sure that she didn’t consume many high carb foods in a single day. For example, if bread was one of her food items in breakfast, she refrained from eating brown pasta in her lunch, and rather inculcated lean proteins in her diet. It’s the influence of her discreet diet that she could drop massive fifty pounds post pregnancy and get fit in her skinny 26 waist jeans.