The charming star favors wholesome and organic foods which are packed with essential nutrients required to nourish your body. She contends, nutritious choice of foods inevitably shall take you closer to fit and beautiful body. At the same time, processed and junk foods not only pack up unwanted calories in your body, they also make you look older. Best way for you to pick nutrient filled foods is to make your selection of foods which are seasonal, clean, and simple.
Aside from sticking with healthy eating habits, Giada also managed her sinister hormones very tactfully even during her pregnancy. She shares, her craving for sugary foods were all high during that time. She swapped sugary foods with agave nectar which not only aided her keep a check on weight but also saved her from myriad inflammatory reactions.
Nurture the Habit of Cooking
Giada being a pro chef knows different means through which she can make her meals both delicious as well as nutritious. If you too have interest in cooking meals, try new ways to cook food. Since frying and over-cooking snatches the nutrient quotient of foods, prefer eating clean and steamed foods such as baked chicken, steamed or sprouted veggies etc.
Regular Workouts
Giada de Laurentiis coming out of gym
No matter what, Giada being very particular about her exercises practices them four to five times in a week. Her regular workout regime inevitably keeps her active and full of beans throughout the day. Prior to the birth of her child, daughter Jade, Giada was simply in love with cardio workouts. And there had been myriad times when she astounded us with her incredibly slim and enthralling figure which she acquired with intense cardio workouts. However, past the birth of Jade, she turned to yoga to purge her body from post baby pounds. And since then she has religiously been sticking to yoga.
Healthy Tips for Fans
Shedding unwanted pounds and acquiring desired weight might sound too difficult or next to impossible to you.
Here are some easy to follow tips which shall guide you and help you achieve your weight loss goal in a stress-free way.
Restrain Calorie Consumption