Farrah Abraham Workout and Diet

Research shows that cardio workouts are 67% more influential in burning visceral fat than resistance training. So, make room for cardio workouts in your exercises routine. Instead of doing intense conventional cardio workouts, you can opt to do stair climbing, running, hiking, horse riding, rope skipping, dancing, or any other fun workout.

Dwell on Fiber-laden Foods

There are no other foods as effective in purging you from surplus pounds as fiber laden foods. You might be astonished to know that ten grams of fiber in a day can lessen your bulking up process by 4%. To make a start, you can incorporate two apples, one artichoke, half cup of pinto beans, two cups of broccoli etc. By fulfilling the criteria of feeding ten grams of fiber in a day, you will make positive steps towards aiding your body to attain flat belly.