Evangeline Lilly Workout and Diet

Downward Facing Dog

Evangeline Lilly Workout and Diet

Take a push up position. Extend your arms and legs. Contract your abdominal muscles. Push your hips up and backwards so that all your weight gets transferred backward. You will form an inverted V this way (shown above in the image). Hold the position for 1 to 2 minutes.

Push ups

Evangeline Lilly Workout and Diet

It is one of the most basic of all exercises, which can be performed with ease. Lower yourself on the ground by using your hands and knees. The hands should be shoulder-width apart. Contract your abs and arms and lower your body to the floor. Your elbows will flare out in the process. Then, press upwards so that your hands get fully extended.

Forearm Side Plank

Evangeline Lilly Workout and Diet

Lie on the ground on the left side of your body. The left elbow should be under the shoulder. Now place the right foot on the left foot. Lift your knees and hips off the ground mat. The left side of the foot, the left forearm and elbow should be touching the ground. Then inhale and slowly lower the body back to the ground. You can hold from about 15 to 30 seconds each time you lift your body.

Evangeline Lilly Diet Plan

Evangeline eats many plant based food items. Some 75% of these are in the raw form. Raw means uncooked and unprocessed. She also prefers organic food. This is so, because many vital enzymes gets destroyed, when we cook vegetables and other food items above 116 degree Fahrenheit. Lilly uses a dehydrator which blows hot air over the vegetables and fruits in such a way that the temperature never crosses 116 degree Fahrenheit. She also soaks her nuts and blends her juices so that their nutritional value is not lost. This is a great way of eating food and everyone should follow it. The advantage of this diet plan is that it excludes all the bad fats, cholesterols and carbohydrates while preserving the vitamins and minerals of the food.

Evangeline says she has an obsession with healthy food. She also has an addiction for sugar and admits eating sugar candies, jujubes and licorice. Lilly eats something sweet each day. She also does not allow working pressures of Hollywood to mount on her mind. A hard working actress though, she recommends healthy diet plan for everybody. She also suggests a proper sleep and ample amount of hydration. Sound sleep helps to prevent bloating.