Eva Longoria Diet Plan and Workout Routine

While devoting four days in a week to workouts, she mainly prefers compound exercises over cardio. After warming up her body with boxing, running on treadmill, elliptical training, jumping jacks etc., Eva performs circuit training. She makes three circuits while giving fifteen reps to each exercise in the circuit. To hone her legs, arms, and abs, she performs different exercises in the circuit.

For Legs – Dumbbell lunges, squat press, skater lunges

For Arms – Tricep extensions, stability ball skull crusher, hammer curls on bosu ball, bicep curls

For Abs – Bosu ball wood chop, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches

Homemade Meals

Eva prefers homemade meals over outside ones because she feels tempted to consume high-fat cheese and sour cream when she goes out to have her meals. She adores Mexican food and deliciously cooks it while using abundant wholesome ingredients.