Eva steers clear from sugar and carbs which maintain her energy level high and doesn’t let her body gain unsolicited weight. She allows herself one cheat day in a week and eats her beloved foods such as pizza etc. Here is one sample diet regime of Eva.
Eva Longoria eating pizza on her cheat day.
Breakfast – Egg whites, fresh fruits etc.
Lunch – Turkey, chicken, steamed veggies
Snacks – Cucumber slices with lemon juice, apple slices with cheese or peanut butter, vanilla yogurt
Dinner – Fresh salmon, steamed asparagus
Fun Factor in Workouts
Eva being sporty would play wide-ranging games such as basketball, soccer, cheerleading, gymnastics etc. in her childhood. To save her from being pissed with workouts, the bombshell keeps switching to fun workouts such as running, hiking, swimming, yoga, sports activities etc. Apart from rendering great exercise to her body, these workouts also chill her mind. Research shows that workouts done with interest and energy bestow you far more rewarding results than workouts done with a sense of pressure.
Running – Most Reliable Workout for Tours
The star being supposed to be on tours very often banks on running. Instead of skipping her workouts while being on tours, she hits the pavement to run. Besides stripping off numerous pounds, running also bestows her a chance to explore new place and relish the sightseeing. You too can make running your best buddy when you are away from home. However, make sure that you do have your cell phone with you so you can navigate the area and can safely reach back the place.
Workouts with Personal Trainer
Prior to making her entry into Hollywood, Eva was a fitness trainer and worked out for myriad hours. However, despite having the background of aerobics instructor, the brunette prefers working out with a personal trainer. Apart from getting guidance from personal trainers, you also develop a sense of accountability towards them which cut your chances of skipping the workouts. Moreover, she admits of being sufferer of “Attention Deficit Disorder” (ADD). Her fitness instructor, Patrick Murphy keeps varying her workouts in such a way that her attention doesn’t divert.