Eva Green Workout and Diet

Frequent Water Consumption

Your water drinking regime should not be like drinking all the required water in one single stretch within three to four hours. You rather shall drink water after every hour or two to adequately hydrate your body. To suit the objective, keep water bottle in front of you on your desk or next to bed.

Needed Quantity of Water

More the water you drink, better it is for your body. However, your hydration requirement varies with your vital stats such as size, height etc. To know your exact water consumption, divide your weight (in pounds) by two, and you will get rough estimation of your needed daily water consumption in ounces.

Don’t Confuse Your Water Need With Food Need

Stricken by hunger pangs, you might often end up confusing your water need with foods. You can also keep a check on your hunger pangs if you drink water half an hour before eating snacks to relinquish hunger pangs.