Elsa Pataky: How ‘Mrs. Thor’ Maintains Herself as a Hands-On Yummy Mummy Plus a Full

Elsa Pataky: How ‘Mrs. Thor’ Maintains Herself as a Hands-On Yummy Mummy Plus a Full

Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth

Elsa Pataky had no clue who was Chris Hemsworth when she first met him. He made his name first on the Australian soap, titled, Home and Away, which had absolutely no following in Spain. Now, happily married to the man who plays Thor, there is more to this Spanish actor, then simply playing wife to the Hollywood star tagged as the sexiest man in the world by People magazine in 2014.

Elsa Pataky: How ‘Mrs. Thor’ Maintains Herself as a Hands-On Yummy Mummy Plus a Full

Elsa Pataky in bikini

Pataky is tough and more than just a pretty face!