Denzel Washington Diet and Workout Routine

Talk about the top ten Hollywood actors and you will definitely include Denzel Washington among them. In his long acting career, he has bagged two Academy Awards, along with two Golden Globes and one Tony Award. The actor is blessed with a chiseled body form which keeps getting better and better with age. His good, youthful looks and healthy physique are a result of the strict and rigorous exercise routine and diet plan that he follows.

Denzel Washington Diet and Workout Routine

Denzel Washington

At 61, this Academy Award-winning actor follows an exercise regime which will definitely exhaust most men, who are even half his age. Denzel does 10 rigorous rounds of boxing five days per week. This boxing regime is a good combination of aerobic exercise and strength training. This exercise helps in burning fat and building muscles, simultaneously.

Boxing is a very rigorous and serious workout and it is not possible to follow such a workout routine unless you are fully determined and compassionate about your physical fitness. Boxing works almost every muscle in your body. On an average, a person can lose around 1000 calories per day with boxing. As quoted by, there is a reason why Denzel prefers boxing over any other method of losing weight as it is an interval training. You go really hard for three minutes and then rest for one minute so that your heart rate comes to normal, then you repeat this again and again several times. This type of workout is helpful in burning 20% more fat than any other type of training.

Denzel Washington Diet and Workout Routine