Daniel Craig Workout and Diet for Skyfall


  • DEDICATION…..AGAIN!: Daniel says,” I gave up smoking and exercised 5 times a week. At weekends I ate and drank what I liked.” No one is born perfect and hence even Daniel had to sacrifice some of his usual habits to build that body. It is very important to kick the bad habits before one proceeds to building muscles.
  • EATING LOW CARB DIETS: Craig wanted to lose fat and gain muscles; hence he was on a strict diet of salad, vegetables and nuts. Occasionally he also had pulses, raw vegetables and fruits. Apart from that, breads, baked items, pasta and rice were a strict no. Although it is important to get carbs for energy but extra carbs are not essential.
  • HIGH PROTEIN DIET: When questioned about his diet plan before Skyfall, Daniel said-

“I was on a high protein diet.”

Proteins are like elements of essential nature when it comes to body building. His typical day diet included protein shakes, poached eggs, baked potatoes, chicken, fish and lots of green vegetables.

  • SUPPLEMENTS AND SLEEP: Daniel was also on a few supplements to go from lean to muscular. Creatine cell volumizer, Glucosamine, protein shakes, glutamine were some of the food supplements that Daniel took. Although not harmful, it is very important to consult your physician before going ahead with any of the above mentioned diet supplements. More importantly, sleep, which is the period during which the body goes into repairing itself. Daniel’s sleeping period was anywhere between 7-8 hours on an average.

So, now you know what Daniel Craig did to become so fit for the role of the 007 secret agent. What are you waiting for! Consult your doctor and get on this routine to get ripped and intimidating.