Just remember the instances when your mind is all messed up and you are unable to focus on any particular thing in life. Everything in life seems so distorted that you cannot even recall the names of people and places. Well, yoga will provide you the remedy to overcome that difficult situation too. Research shows that people who practice yoga in routine have sharper memory and brain power. You can even make a simple test, practice hatha yoga consistently for three days in a week, for three weeks. The spectacular influences of yoga shall blow your mind.
Get Rid of Painful Menstruation
Menstruation which comes with myriad other problems such as abdominal pain, mood swings, rough skin etc. can also be improved with yoga. Normally, you either don’t feel like performing any workout during periods. But, you certainly would not like to omit some easy forms of yoga such as yoga Nidra, and other meditation based yoga. Aside from getting you relief from heavy bleeding, cramps, menstrual irregularity, these yoga postures shall also keep you away from stress and anxiety.