Colleen favors executing workouts with music. She harmonizes varied kinds of workouts with diverse music. She states that music boosts the flow of adrenaline in her body which makes her feel so amazing that she feels like no barrier can stop her then. Colleen states that she is kind of nuts about the selection of music and makes sure that she mixes different workouts with best music.
Gym Workouts with Personal Trainer
To obtain optimum outcomes from exercises, it is vital for you to be sentient about your body type. Colleen knows that she being naturally lean has bulging knees and elbows, so she invests more of her time and energy in building muscles, which as a matter of fact is not stress-free. The kickass beauty practices workouts in the gym and lifts dumbbells and performs high intensity cardio workouts or sprints. And her enviable posterior with perky bums and toned thighs is the testimony of quality times she invests in sculpting it. While inculcating plentiful of workouts in her workout routine, Colleen adores squats, deadlifts, and lunges the most. She performs exercises first thing in the morning which saves her enormous time to make the rest of the day fruitful.
Colleen Gallagher triceps workout.
Balanced Diet
Diet which plays imperative role in fitness and body weight is consumed very discreetly by the captivating beauty. Her diet being balanced mix of lean protein, low GI foods, and healthy fats is perfect from all the perspectives. Colleen consumes six small meals in a day and essentially includes meager quantity of lean proteins in each of her meals. She shares that when she is all set to groom her body for tough bikini contests, she swears by carb cycle, which she finds absolutely flattering. She at the same time feels annoyed with the baseless myth spread by some of the so called nutritionists that carbs in late evening hours is not good for your body. She contends that nothing can be as harmful for your body as is the logic to keep it deprived. In her cheat meals, she relishes her most beloved food which is froyo made up of cookie dough, cake butter ice cream with reese’s peanut butter cup, and peanut butter sauce.
Steadfast Mind Overcomes Cravings
Cravings are one of the largest obstacles which hinder fitness plan of many people. Colleen too is not immune from the uninvited cravings. But, the smart beauty has figured out the most effective avenue to overcome them and that is by staying steadfast towards her goals. Whenever cravings approach her, she reminds herself about her fitness objective and all the reasons why she should not submit herself to them. And after five to ten minutes of the constant battle taking place in her mind, the portion of her mind caring about her health and goals conquer. Research too braces the fact that when you nurture the habit to beat your cravings with such a mindset, their intensity eventually lowers down.
Reliance on Supplements
The hot babe does not overlook the relevance of supplements. She consumes myriad supplements such as BCAAs, whey protein, glutamine, fish oil, and multivitamins to nourish her body with vital nutrients. She mostly favors consuming them post workouts.