Chris Brown Workout and Diet

  • Core Guiding Exercises: Push ups, sit ups, plank, leg raises, back extensions and abdominal crunches (to name a few) workouts.
  • Weight Training Exercise: All you require is a set of dumbbells and carry out these moves accurately at home: bench press, direct arm pull over, shoulder press and others.
  • Besides maintaining a hale and hearty eating regime, Chris also makes sure that he is taking enough calories that can charge him with sufficient energy for the day. He also takes care that he is not having more than sufficient calories. Most of the exercise that Chris follows can be done at home also; there is no need to go to gym. Chris Brown works out on routine basis as well as includes dancing, playing basketball all along with some core strength along with circuit weight guidance. So, if you want to have a body like him then you also have to follow a strict schedule.