Cameron Diaz Workout Routine

  • Jog for 30 seconds.
  • Keep switching like this for 15 minutes. So, by switching between, you will be able to burn more fat and control your metabolism rate.

    Cameron Diaz go to gym as often as possible and if she is short of time, she just do 45 minutes of Pilates. But, when time permits, she would also do weights and flexibility training sessions also.

    Teddy Bass says that he makes Cameron Diaz to do a series of exercises – step up with reverse lunge, squat with a curtsy, glider-side lunge, side lunges to curtsy, narrow squats with overhead press.

    Cameron Diaz Workout Routine

    Arm Workout

    Cameron Diaz has nice arms, which she got by the following workout, shared by Teddy Bass.

    • Reverse Flies – 15 to 20 reps
    • Triceps Kickbacks – 10 reps per arm
    • Biceps Curls – 15 to 20 reps

    Favorite Exercises

    Cameron Diaz favorites exercises include-

    • Golfing – burns around 266 calories per hour for a 130 pound person.
    • Tossing tires – Tossing tires is a part of intensive training. It will greatly improve your arms’ shape as you have to push the tire hard enough to move it.
    • Jet-skiing – It burns around 460 calories per hour for a 145 pounds person.
    • Paddleboarding – It burns around 500 to 700 calories per hour. Paddle boarding requires a lot of upper body strength, lower body flexibility and balance.