Her buttocks are her favorite; she flaunts them like a pricey toy. With body like hers anybody can walk confidently even in the stranger streets. The fit model’s abs is the fruit of months of hard work. One should always be determined and focused to work on their bodies. Just like Callie, anyone can achieve this hot body if one stays indomitable.
Squats, Good Mornings and Shoulder Press are her most favored exercises. She advises to take long runs in life physically as well as mentally; they will make you stronger in every aspect. She loves working out in the gym as well as in open air and likes cardio paired up with little hip-hop and rap music. Her love for podcasts is undying as it takes her dreaded workout to another level. She listens to Dada Life, DJ Renee Koo and of course her favorite Spyro during her workouts. Sports have always been her first love; she has played football, baseball and tennis since her childhood. Perhaps her love for sports is the reason behind her high metabolism. Her workout includes some of these easy daily exercises.
- Crunches – 4 sets with 30, 25, 20, 15 reps
- Leg raise with hip lift – 4 sets with 30, 25, 20, 15 reps
- Box squat jumps – 3 x 30
- Full sit-up on stability ball – 4 sets with 30, 25, 20, 15 reps
- Cardio – 40-50 min.
Callie Bundy working out her biceps with barbell rod.
One can never deny that an active metabolism helps generously in maintaining a good physique. Eat less but at shorter intervals. Never starve yourself otherwise you will only lose your charm but no fat. The key to maintain is moderation, otherwise who wouldn’t like to splurge on ice creams and hot cakes. Discipline is must; one should have a perfect workout plan, workout at least 5 hours a week and eat healthy. Cheating once in a while won’t harm. Go feast on steamy non vegetarian dishes and chocolaty desserts, every once in a while. Lots of women become dehydrated in this mad race to get fitter. No ladies!!! dieting like crazy will never help. Keep hydrating yourself at regular intervals. Drinking water in ample amount will make your body more fit and skin more glowy.